News and Updates
- December 2024, Bella Clemmer, Kwame Osei, and Thomas Weir joined our lab from the Chemistry program! Welcome to the Ge Group!
- December 2024, Kalina Rossler and her husband welcomed their first daughter into their family. We're so thankful for the Ge lab's litlest mass spectrometrist!
- October 2024, Congratulations to Ruby for receiving an ASMS travel award to attend the Native MS Fall workshop!
- September 2024, Congratulations to Ying for being named a Top 10 Human Health Hero on the 2024 Analytical Scientist Power List!
- August 2024, Dr. Timothy Aballo successfully defended his thesis and is now a member of the AbbVie team. Hold onto your hat in the windy city!
- July 2024, Dr. Melissa Pergande has rolled over to a tenure-track position at Boston University. We'll miss you, big dog!
- May 2024, longtime undergraduate research assistant Brad Li graduated and is headed to Vanderbilt University School of Medicine! Congratulations and good luck!
- May 2024, Dr. Benjamin Wancewicz successfully defended his thesis. We're excited to see you fly high!
- May 2024, Registration and Abstract submission is now open for the Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium to be held in Madison, WI, July 31 - Aug. 1, 2024. Register and submit your abstract here: [Link]
- April 2024, Mallory Wilson was awarded the highly competitive NSF GRFP! Congratulations!
- April 2024, Congratulations to Matthew Fischer and Andrew Perciaccante for being awarded highly competitive Honorable Mentions by the NSF GRFP!
- March 2024, Congratulations to alumni Dr. David S. Roberts for winning an ASMS Postdoctoral Career Development Award, Emily Chapman for receiving an ASMS Graduate Student Award, and Brad Li for receiving an ASMS Undergraduate Student Award! A clean sweep for the Ge Group!
- December 2023, Liam Bandura and Andrew Perciaccante joined our lab from the Chemistry program! Welcome to the Ge Group!
- August 2023, Morgan Mann successfully defended his thesis and is starting a clinical fellowship in California. You da man(n)!
- August 2023, It is with heavy hearts and profound respect that we announce this Dr. Andrew J. Alpert memorial symposium on Sept. 13-15, 2023, to honor the life and legacy of the esteemed Dr. Andrew J. Alpert. Dr. Alpert was a brilliant scientist, a dedicated mentor, a devoted collaborator, and a legend in the field of chromatography. Dr. Alpert was a long-time collaborator and an honorary member of our group. The conference website is now available. [Link].
- July 2023, Eli Larson successfully defended his thesis and is now moving on to bluer waters at Merck. We're so grateful we had the oppor-tuna-ty to know you!
- July 2023, Elizabeth Bayne successfully defended her thesis and headed back east to a position at Merck. We'll miss our dancing queen!
- May 2023, Jake's high sensitivity paper on single muscle cell heterogeneity in large proteoforms was published in PNAS! [Link]
- May 2023, David S. Roberts successfully defended his thesis and is moving on to post-doc at Stanford. May the force be with you!
- April 2023, Jake Melby successfully defended his thesis and is moving on to a position at AstraZeneca. We wish you all the best!
- March 2023, Congratulations to ELI J LARSON on winning the Chemistry Department Gary Parr Award!
- March 2023, Congratulations to DAVID S ROBERTS on winning the Chemistry Department Ivanisevic award!
- March 2023, Elizabeth Bayne won an ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- December 2022, Congratulations to our fearless leader, Ying Ge, for winning a HUPO award in Clinical and Translational Proteomics!
- December 2022, Anna Grace Towler, Mallory Wilson, Matthew Fischer, Ruby Chan, and Yareslie Rivera joined our lab from the Chemistry program! Welcome to the Ge Group!
- November 2022, Elizabeth Bayne won Best Lightening Talk and Kalina Reese won Best Poster Award at the 2nd CASMS (Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Virtual Conference. Congratulations!
- October 2022, Elizabeth Bayne won Second Place Poster Prize at the UW-Madison Cardiovascular Research Summit!
- September 2022, Congratulations to David Roberts for winning the graduate student Travel Award to attend the 21st World Congress of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO 2022)!
- June 2022, Congratulations to Eli Larson for winning the graduate student travel award for the HPLC conference!
- April 2022, Congratulations to Bridget Knight for receiving the Eugene and Patricia Kreger Herscher Scholarship! Well done!
- April 2022, Congratulations to Kylie Plouff for winning the Honors Summer Apprentice award! Well done!
- March 2022, Congrats to Brad Li for receiving the Biochemistry Undergraduate Summer Research Award!
- February 2022, Melissa Pergande is awarded the 2022 American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Postdoc Career Development Award. Congratulations! [Link]
- February 2022, Jake Melby is awarded the 2022 American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- February 2022, Jake Melby is awarded the 2022 Gary Parr Memorial Award from the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations!
- February 2022, Congratulations to Elizabeth Bayne for winning the 2022 Clinical and Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis Steven A. Hofstadler Student Award!
- January 2022, Jake Melby won the 2022 Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA) Student Excellence Award. Congratulations! [Link]
- December 2021, Holden Rogers from the Analytical Chemistry Path and Jãán Andrews from the Materials Chemistry Path joined our group. Welcome to the group!
- December 2021, David Roberts won the 2nd place Poster Award at the 3rd Annual Cardiovascular Research Summit: Focus on Heart Failure. Congratulations David!
- October 2021, Congratulations to Ying for making the 2021 Analytical Scientist Power List! [Link]
- September 2021, Congrats to Ying for the HUPO 2021 Clinical and Translational Proteomics Award for her work this past decade utilizing proteomics for better patient diagnosis. [Link]
- August 2021, Check out Ying's interview as part of the JASMS Special Focus Issue on Top-Down Proteomics in honor of her 2020 ASMS Biemann Medal award. Congratulations again, Ying! [Link]
- August 2021, Eli Larson and Jake Melby have each won a Poster Award at the 1st CASMS (Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Virtual Conference. Congratulations!
- July 2021, David Roberts is awarded the 2021 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- May 2021, Emily Chapmen is awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program (CBI) Traineeship. Congrats Emily!
- March 2021, Morgan Gugger received a Wisconsin ACS Local Section Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Chemistry! Congratulations!
- March 2021, David Roberts is awarded a Predoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association! Congratulations!
- March 2021, Kalina Reese is awarded the highly competitive NSF GRFP! Congratulations! [Link]
- March 2021, David Roberts is awarded the 2021 Gary Parr Memorial Award from the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations!
- March 2021, Congrats to David Roberts for winning the US HUPO 2021 Trainee Award! Well done![Link]
- March 2021, MASH Explorer software V2.2 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- January 2021: The MASH team will be hosting an open house on Friday January 29th at 10 AM US Central Time. This open house will provide a brief introduction and discussion new features coming to v2.2 and then give users the option to attend one of three different breakout discussion rooms with members of the software development team. These breakout rooms will cover the following topics: i) Unidec in MASH for Native Top-Down MS Analysis, ii) A Tutorial for Beginning MASH Users, and iii) General Discussion for MASH Users. To attend this open house, please sign up using the form linked here. [here]
- November 2020, MASH Explorer software V2.1 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- September 2020, Trisha and Vege's paper on using top-down proteomics to discover convergent pathways in HCM was published in PNAS! Congrats on the hard work![Link]
[News Release]
- August 2020, MASH Explorer software V2.0.2 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- August 2020, MASH Explorer software V2.0.1 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- August 2020, David and Tim's paper on a nanoparticle that enriches for cardiac troponin I was published in Nature Communications! Congrats on the hard work![Link]
[News Release]
- June 2020, MASH Explorer software V2.0 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- June 2020, Jake Melby is awarded a position in the Translational Cardiovascular Science T32 Predoctoral Traineeship Program
- May 2020, Morgan Gugger is awarded the Hilldale Fellowship, the Ackerman Scholarship, the Karen M. Telander Undergraduate Research Award, and the William J. Maeck Scholarship as decided by the chemistry department. Well done!
- May 2020, Andreas Kyrvasilis is awarded the Hilldale Fellowship. Congratulations!
- April 2020, Chance Lee Wilkinson-Johnson is awarded the Saco Polymers Scholarship and the Robert and Diane Paulick Undergraduate Scholarships. Congratulations!
- April 2020, Ben Wancewicz is awarded the NIH F31 NRSA pre-doctoral fellowship. Well done Ben!
- April 2020, Ying has been awarded the 2020 Biemann Medal from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry! Congratulations on this well-deserved and prestigious award! [Link]
- March 2020, Trisha Tucholski is awarded the 2020 Gary Parr Memorial Award from the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations!
- March 2020, Kyle Brown is awarded the 2020 Richard and Joan Hartl Excellence in Research Award from the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations!
- Feburary 2020, Kyle Brown is awarded the 2020 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- January 2020, Trisha Tucholski won the 2020 CACA Student Excellence Awards in Chromatography. Congratulations!
- January 2020, Our publication on rat skeletal muscle proteoform heterogeneity was selected for the cover of the January issue of the Journal of Proteome Research! [Link]
- December 2019, Tim Aballo from the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Program has joined our lab! Welcome Tim!
- December 2019, MASH Explorer software V1.2 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- November 2019, Emily Reasoner from the Material Chemistry Path and David Moreno from the Organic Chemistry Path joined our group. Welcome to the group!
- October 2019, Graduate student Trisha Tucholski won the highly competitive Lake Louise Travel Award. She will be attending the 32nd Annual Mass Spectrometry Workshop in Alberta, Canada. Congrats to Trisha!
- October 2019, Our paper was accepted in Circulation Research after a long review process! Congrats to all of the authors! [Link]
- July 2019, MASH Explorer software is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- June 2019, Dr. Bifan Chen and Dr. Yutong Jin have left our research group. Bifan will be joining Genentech and Yutong will be working for Biogen. They will for sure be missed by our lab members! [Photos]
- June 2019, The Ge Group attended the 2019 ASMS Conference in Atlanta, GA! [Photos]
- May 2019, The Ge Group celebrated Dr. Bifan Chen's and Dr. Yuton Jin's graduation! Congratulations to you both! [Photos]
- May 2019, Follow us on Twitter at @Ge_Lab_UW!
- April 2019, Andreas Kyrvasilis was awarded the sophomore research scholarship. Congratulations!
- April 2019, Kyle Brown's paper on a photocleavable surfactant for top-down proteomics is published in Nature Methods! [Article] [News Release]
- April 2019, Bifan received the Gary Parr Memorial Award! Congratulations!
- April 2019, Abe is awarded the Doban Mentoring Award! Congratulations!
- April 2019, Morgan received the Eugene and Patricia Kreger Herscher Scholarship, the Henry and Eleanor Firminhac Chemistry Scholarship, and the Margaret McLean Bender Scholarship!
- Feburary 2019, Trisha Tucholski is awarded the 2019 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- January 2019, The Ge Lab celebrated a Holiday Party! [Photos]
- December 2018, Benjamin Wancewicz, a Cellular and Molecular Pathology student, joined the Ge Lab. Welcome Ben!
- December 2018, David Roberts won the Best Poster Award at the 24th Annual University of Wisconsin SMPH Cardiovascular Research Center Scientific Poster Fair. Congratulations David!
- November 2018, First year chemistry students Elizabeth Bayne, Austin Carr, Eli Larson, and Jake Melby joined the Ge Lab. Welcome and Congratulations!
- September 2018, Kent Wenger joined the Ge Group as a software developer on the MASH Project. Welcome!
- August 2018, The Ge Group attended the 2018 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium. [ Photos]
- August 2018, The Ge Group celebrated everyone's hard work and the new graduate with a summer party at Ying's house! [ Photos]
- June 2018, Members of the Ge Group attended the 66th Annual ASMS Conference. [Photos]
- June 2018, Medical students Daniel Belongia and Max Wrobbel joined the group and each received Shapiro Summer Research Fellowships. Welcome!
- March 2018, Wenxuan Cai is awarded with the 2018 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Travel Award. Congratulations!
- March 2018, Dr. Yanlong Zhu is awarded with the ASMS Postdoctoral Career Development Awards. Congratulations!
- March 2018, Undergraduate student Paige Pistono has received the Biochemistry Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship. Congratulations!
- January 2018, Bifan Chen won the 2018 CACA Student Excellence Awards in Chromatography. Congratulations!
- Anouncement: 2018 Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium will be offered by the Human Proteomics Program at UW-Madison and the BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute on August 10, 2018.
- Dec. 2017, Wenxuan (Vege) Cai won UW-Madison Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) poster award. Congratulations!
- Dec. 2017, Stanford Mitchell, first year Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology student joined the group. Welcome!
- Nov. 2017, Bifan Chen won CPSA USA 2017 Steven A. Hofstadler Graduate Student award. Congratulations!
- August 22, 2017, Zachery Gregorich passed his doctoral defense. Congratulations to Dr. Gregorich! [Photos]
- August 19, 2017, the Ge Group enjoyed the summer picnic in Devil's Lake State Park. [Photos]
- August 6, 2017, the Ge Group enjoyed the summer group party in Ying's house. [Photos]
- June 2017, the Ge Group attended the 65th ASMS conference in Indianapolis, IN. [Photos]
- June 2017, Wenxuan (Vege) Cai, a 3rd year Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (MCP) graduate student, was awarded a highly competitive American Heart Association Pre-doctoral fellowship. Congrats Vege!
- April 13, 2017, Hannah Karp has received the Hilldale research fellowship. Congrats Hannah!
- March 30, 2017, Hannah Karp has received the Mary Shine Peterson Undergraduate Award. Congrats Hannah!
- March 17, 2017, Samantha Knott (first year Chembio student) is awarded NSF graduate student fellowship! Congrats to Sam!
- Mar. 2017, Bifan Chen is awarded with the 2017 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Award. Congratulations!
- Feb. 1, 2017, Trisha Tucholski is awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program (CBI) Traineeship. Congrats Trisha!
- Dec 17 2016, the Ge group enjoyed the winter group party in WIMR. [Photos]
- Nov. 2016, 1st year graduate students, Tim Tiambeng, Samantha Knott, and Stephanie Werner have joined our group. Welcome!
- Oct. 2016, the Ge group enjoyed the fall picnic in the picnic point. [Photos]
- Oct. 2016, Dr. Beini Lyu has joined our group as an honorary fellow. Welcome!
- Oct. 2016, Prof. Ruixiang Liu, Dr. Fang Guo and Dr. Ya Liu have joined our group as visiting scholars. Welcome!
- Anouncement: Professor Ying Ge and Professor Joe Loo (UCLA) are organizing a Uppcon2017 at Cornell. Check the conference website here! [
Uppcon 2017]
- Aug. 2016, the Ge group enjoyed the summer's outing at the Devils Lake. [ Photos]
- Jun. 2016, the Ge Group attended the 64th ASMS conference in San Antonio. [Photos]
- Apr. 2016, congratulations to Cyrus Colah on winning the Hilldale Undergraduate Fellowship! Thanks to Tania Guardado for being an excellent mentor!
- Apr. 2016, Zach Gregorich is awarded with the 2016 ASMS (American Society for Mass Spectrometry) Graduate Student Award. Congratulations!
- Mar. 2016, congratulations to our undergraduate student Rachel Heuer on receiving the Theodore Herfurth Sophomore Scholarship from the College of Letters and Science!
- Jan. 2016, Yiwen Gu has joined the Ge Group. Welcome!
- Nov. 2015, Dr. Ying (Lynn) Peng has found a position in industry! Congratulations!
- Nov. 2015, Kyle Brown (Analytical), Yumin Lian (Analytical), Trisha Tucholski (Anlyatical) and Zhijie Wu (Chemical Biology) from the Chemistry program have joined the Ge group. Welcome!
- Oct. 2015, the Ge group enjoyed the fall's outing at the Pinic Point.
[ Photos]
- Aug. 2015, the Ge Group attended the Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium, 2015.
[Photos coming soon!]
- Jul. 2015, Serife has found an assistant professor
position in Turkey. Congratulations!
- Jul. 2015, joint group summer party with the Jin Group
in Ying and Song's house. [
- Jul. 2015, Liming Wei, a visiting scholar, has joined the Ge Group. Welcome!
- Jul. 2015, Ziqing Lin, a post-doctoral fellow, has joined the Ge Group. Welcome!
- Jun. 2015, the Ge Group attended the 63rd ASMS
conference in St. Louis. [
- Apr. 2015, Dr. Ying Ge has been promoted to
Associate Professor.
- Apr. 2015, Nicole is awarded with the CVRC
pre-doctoral fellowship. Congratulations!
- Apr. 2015, Tania is awarded with the NIH NRSA
post-doctoral fellowship. Congratulations!
- Feb. 2015, Cellular and Molecular Pathology Student, Nicole Lane, joined the group. Welcome!
- Jan. 2015, Edith found a job in industry. Congratulations!
- Nov. 2014, Analytical Chemistry Students, Yutong Jin and Bifan Chen, joined the group. Welcome!
- Nov. 2014, Tania Guardado, a synthetic chemist, has
joined the Ge and Jin Group. Welcome!
- Nov. 2014, Lynn has been promoted to Assistant
Scientist. Congratulations!
- Nov. 2014, Santosh has found a job in industry.
- Oct. 2014, Cadet Scotty from the Molecular and Cellular
Pharmacology Program started rotation in the Ge Group.
- Oct. 14, 2014, Group trip to the Devil's Lake
- Oct. 2014, Naomi Biok and Ketie Buxton from the
Chemistry Program started rotation in the Ge Group.
- Sep. 2014, Nick Van Sciver from the Cellular and Molecular Pathology Program started rotation in the Ge Group.
- Sep. 2104, Juli Giacomini from the Physiology Program
started rotation in the Ge Group.
- Sep. 2014, Yutong Jin and Charnell Chasten from the
Chemistry Program started rotation in the Ge Group.
- Announcement: Join group party with
Jin group on Aug 2nd, 2014.
- Jul. 2014, Yang Hu, an MD/PhD student, decides to join the group!
Good luck with his board exam.
- Jul. 2014, Wenxuan Cai joined the Ge group as a
graudate student in Mol.&Cell. Parmacology.
- Santosh just got a baby. Congratulations!
- Feb. 2014, blessing to Edith for getting married!
- Feb. 2013, Announced:
The 2013 Human Proteomics Symposium
"Targeted Proteomics and Systems Biology in Health and Disease"
August 1, 2013 in Madison, Wisconsin
- Jan. 2013, Dr. Wei Guo joined Ge group as an Assistant Scientist.
- Dec. 2012, Catherine Tuanqui (a sophomore) joined Ge group as an undergraduate researcher.
- Dec. 2012, Zachery Gregorich (MCP program) and Charles Yu (METC program) joined Ge research group as graduate student.
- Nov. 2012, Dr. Ying-hua (Edith) Chang joined Ge group as a post-doc associate
- Oct. 2012, MCP student, Zachery Gregorich, started rotation in Ge group.
- Oct. 2012, Physiology student, Yihe Ma, started rotation in Ge group.
- Oct. 2012, CMP student, Adam Ericsen, started rotation in Ge group.
- Oct. 2012, METC students, Charles (Deyang) Yu and Carol Diaz-diaz started rotation in Ge group.
- Sept. 2012, MCP students, Sarang Brahma and Khoa Tran started rotation in Ge group.
- Aug. 2012, Brad Bartel (a sophomore) joined Ge group as an undergraduate researcher.
- June 2012, Dr. Leekyoung Hwang joined the Jin and Ge groups as a collaborative post-doc working on the nanoproteomics project.