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The 2nd Annual Human Proteomics Symposium will take place at the Monona Terrace Convention Center in Madison, WI, June 10-11, 2007.
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The symposium will be held at the Monona Terrace Convention Center designed by the Wisconsin native and internationally renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright on Madison’s Lake Monona (a venue that must be experienced by everyone at least once).
Monona Terrace is a convention center like no other, rising from the blue expanse of Lake Monona, only two blocks from the State Capitol. Monona Terrace features over 250,000 sq. ft. of multi-level, flexible space.
The Monona Terrace Convention Center offers a unique and inspiring architectural backdrop for formal and informal scientific interactions. For more information, please visit The Monona Terrace web site.
This year's exciting program features 12 invited oral presentations from nationally recognized leaders in modern mass spectrometry/proteomics with an emphasis on how these technologies will impact human health.
Speakers will address a range of proteomics applications in basic and clinical biomedical research, instrumentation/technique development and potential applications in clinical practice. All talks will be plenary (no parallel sessions), and all attendees are invited to present their recent work in scientific poster sessions.
Poster and exhibitor sessions will occur between and following oral sessions. We anticipate participation of 150-200 conferees with up to 50 posters from academia, clinics and industry with many opportunities for discussion and intermingling.
Symposium Program (pdf)
Here is the list of confirmed invited speakers:
Fred McLafferty (Keynote Speaker ), Cornell University
Andrew S. Greene, Medical College of Wisconsin
Catherine E. Costello, Boston University School of Medicine
Iftikhar J. Kullo, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Jeffery Agar, Brandeis University
Jennifer van Eyk, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Joseph A. Loo, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Joshua Coon, UW-Madison Department of Chemistry
Lingjun Li, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
Lloyd M. Smith, UW-Madison Genome Center of Wisconsin
Manish Patankar, UW-Madison Department of Ob/Gyn
Milos V. Novotny, Indiana University Department of Chemistry
Sinisa Dovat, UW-Madison Department of Pediatrics
Terry Sheehan, Dionex Corporation
Tim Griffin, University of Minnesota
Ying Ge, UW-Madison Human Proteomics Program
Registration fee includes: Conference fee, rooftop dinner reception at the Monona Terrace Convention Center on Sunday (June 10), lunch for Monday (June 11), break-food, registration materials, and abstract book.
Early Registration by May 10, 2007
Student Registration: $40
University Faculty/Staff/Post-doc: $100
Corporate Members: $200Registration by May 31, 2007
Student Registration: $50
University Faculty/Staff/Post-doc: $150
Corporate Members: $250
After June 1, late registration fees apply.
To register, please use the link below:
All meeting attendees are required to register prior to the conference date. There will be no on-site registration.
Meeting attendees are encouraged to submit a title for each presentation including talks and posters. Posters will be accepted on a first come basis and screened for appropriateness by the Symposium Organizing Committee from those titles submitted by May 20th, 2007.
Speakers: Invited speakers should submit the title for their talk no later than May 20th, 2007 by email to Speakers will receive one complimentary registration fee. Transportation and hotel accommodations will be provided for out-of-town speakers. Please contact Alice Puchalski ( for details.
Except for the keynote lecture, all talks should be 25 minutes in length with 5 minutes for questions. Talks should be geared toward the broad theme of “potential of proteomics to impact human health.”
Posters Presenters: Poster title and authors (presenter underlined) should be emailed to no later than May 20th, 2007. At least one poster author must be present at the Symposium. Size of the poster is restricted to 91'' x 44''. Push pins will be provided on site.
Hotel rooms have been reserved for out-of-town speakers in Hilton Madison, Monona Terrace from Friday (June 8-June 10).
Hotel accommodations are NOT included in the registration fee. For out-of-town meeting attendees, please contact Alice Puchalski ( if you need lodging assistance.
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is conveniently located two blocks from the Capitol building in downtown Madison.
Opportunities for commercial exhibitors are available. Please see the Corporate Sponsorship Options (PDF).
If you would like to exhibit and/or sponsor this event, please contact any of the following Symposium organizers:
Thanks to our generous sponsors...
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