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Beginning Users: Deconvolution and/or search not running

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By Configuring MASH Native
For new users, trouble running the first successful deconvolution or search in MASH Native is often explained by incorrect configuration set up, accessed in the "Tools" drop-down in the upper left corner of the MASH GUI. Additionally, common question from new users is how to correctly set up the configuration window and what is required to run deconvolutions through MASH Native. To troubleshoot or correct configuration issues, we recommend checking through each point on this list: 1) Verify that the java bin directory is up to date and correctly located 2) Ensure that the latest version of ProteoWizard is selected and correctly. These two packages are critical to the function of MASH, and if they are not set correctly, deconvolution and search events are likely to fail. 3) Double-check the specific algorithm for search or deconvolution you're using. Ensure that a supported version is selected and correctly located. 4) For UniDec deconvolution, the HDF library must be downloaded. Details on this process are available in the installation guide. If issues persist, please contact the MASH support team:
08/03/2022 02:57:23 pm