- March 2022: The MASH Team is excited to announce that MASH Native v1.0 is now available! This update includes Unidec deconvolution, spectral summing, internal fragements, among other updates. Check it out today [here]
- August 2021: The MASH Team is excited to announce that MASH Explorer v2.2.1 is now available! This update includes MS3 support and fixes to several bugs. Check it out today [here]
- March 2021: The MASH Team is excited to announce that MASH Explorer v2.2 is now available! This update includes UniDec and several other new features. Check it out today [here]
- January 2021: The MASH team will be hosting an open house on Friday January 29th at 10 AM US Central Time. This open house will provide a brief introduction and discussion new features coming to v2.2 and then give users the option to attend one of three different breakout discussion rooms with members of the software development team. These breakout rooms will cover the following topics: i) Unidec in MASH for Native Top-Down MS Analysis, ii) A Tutorial for Beginning MASH Users, and iii) General Discussion for MASH Users. To attend this open house, please sign up using the form linked here. [here]
- November 2020: MASH Explorer software V2.1 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- August 2020: MASH Explorer software V2.0.2 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- August 2020: MASH Explorer software V2.0.1 is available to the public. You can download the software using this link. [Link]
- August 2020: Our MASH Explorer paper which describes the most recent generation of MASH software is now published in JPR! You can read the paper HERE.
- April 2020: Our paper which describe a machine learning strategy for top-down spectral deconvolution is now published in JASMS. You can read the paper HERE.
- December 2019: MASH Explorer V1.2 Maintenance Release is now available is now publicly available! Download the software HERE.
- September 2019: MASH Explorer V1.1 Maintenance Release is now available is now publically available! Download the software HERE.
- September 2019: We welcome Jake Melby, a graduate student in the Ge research group, to be a part of the MASH team!
- July 2019: MASH Explorer App is now publically available! Download the new software HERE.
- June 2019: MASH Explorer presented a poster at the 2019 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference in Atlanta. Sean and the MASH Explorer team presented the software on Tuesday (poster TP 730). The ensemble
project to improve the top-down workflow was presented on Monday (poster MP 785).
- April 2019: The Beta-version of MASH Explorer App is available! Contact mash-support@lists.wisc.edu for access.
- April 2019: Check out our new MASH Explorer email lists!
March 2019: The Beta-version of MASH Explorer App will be available soon! If you would like early access to MASH Explorer and the opportunity to guide the development direction of MASH Explorer, please consider
becoming a beta-tester and email mash-support@lists.wisc.edu.
September 2018: Kent joined the development team. Welcome and congratulations!
August 2018: The MASH team presented a poster about MASH Explorer at the Wisconsin Human Proteomics Symposium.
June 2018: The MASH team presented a MASH Explorer poster at the American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference.
June 2018: Medical student Daniel Belongia joined the group as a Shapiro Summer Research Fellow.
May 2018: MASH Explorer awarded NIH R01GM125085-01A1 for software development.
April 2018: Molly joined the team as a research intern. Congratulations!
Feburary 2016: MASH Suite Pro paper was published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics! Publication Link